
Bear with his mum and his sister

5 years of helping families – Wickford clinic’s first baby, Bear, helps to celebrate milestone

Bear, aged 4, was the first baby to be born following treatment at the new…

Amanda and Alfie meet Louise Brown

5 years of helping families – Alfie’s mum thought she would never have a baby

Amanda has PCOS and only ever had two periods a year and thought she would never be able to have a baby.

Wickford at Christmas 2023 feat

Bourn Hall babies first to meet Santa at ‘Wickford at Christmas’ grotto

Elle and Louis were first in line to meet Santa at the Wickford at Christmas Street Fayre; his Grotto is once again sponsored by Bourn Hall.

Jane Johnson, acupuncturist

New acupuncture service aims to bring calm ahead of frozen embryo transfer

“Acupuncture helps the body to rebalance and relax,” says acupuncturist Jane Johnson. The treatment is now being offered at the Cambridge clinic as an option for Bourn Hall’s Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) patients.

Dr Thanos Papathanasiou fertility journey

On a fertility journey together – Dr Thanos Papathanasiou CEO and Medical Director

Fertility treatment should be considered a journey, not a number of cycles, says Dr Thanos Papathanasiou, CEO and Medical Director of Bourn Hall. He will be talking about how treatment at the clinic is evolving to embrace the latest thinking on treatments and how emotional and nutritional wellbeing can improve outcomes, at the Fertility Support Group meeting on 8th November 2023. 

Our ‘one perfect embryo’ was all we needed for IVF success

Lauren told she was ‘running out of eggs’ at 33

Lauren was devastated to be told at only 33 that she was running out of eggs. Her reserve was like a woman going through the menopause.

Norfolk woman told she had almost zero chance of a natural pregnancy

I spent years thinking I would never have children

Surgery at 23 revealed that Claire had blocked fallopian tubes and she was told that her chances of having a baby were virtually zero.

Dr Nausheen Mawal

IVF over 40: transparency and different advice needed

Over 35 the chance of having a baby with your own eggs declines rapidly

Sarah and Esmé

World Menopause Day 2023 – fertility options

In support of World Menopause Day 2023 we are celebrating the amazing women that gift their eggs to help others to have a baby.

Wave of Light Wickford 2023

Showing our support for the global ‘Wave of Light’ 

Baby Loss Awareness Week will culminate with the virtual ‘Wave of Light’ on 15 October…

Bourn Hall Day 1-170

Find out how can we help you

To make an appointment, or to find out how we can help, please contact us.

Patient reviews you can trust

Genuine experiences from real patients. See why so many trust us with their fertility care.

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“We went to an open evening at Bourn Hall Wickford and came away feeling really positive about the place. The staff were really friendly and the presentation was clear about the statistics regarding success rates and live birth rates; their data was very transparent. We came away feeling like we would really be looked after.”

Katy and Leigh are parents to Charlie after IVF

Patient 2023

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“We chose to make an appointment at Bourn Hall Wickford because of the favourable reviews. When we got there and met the staff they were just so lovely, making us feel welcome and explaining to us what tests would need to be done and what our options were; we just thought ‘yes, let’s get the ball rolling!”

Jess and Fran are mums to Nathan after IVF with donor sperm

Patient 2023