After lockdown

Eat well at Christmas - festive recipes to enjoy

Eat well at Christmas – festive recipes to enjoy

It is possible to have a treat and be good, says nutritional therapist Angela Attwood, who will be talking at a festive Virtual Fertility Support Group meeting on 17th December 2020.

International Year of the Nurse and Midwife: a celebration

Nurses ‘behind the scenes’ stories encouraged heart warming responses from patients, giving a special insight into the fertility journey we take together.

Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act and Theodore

‘Precious baby’ helped to secure the future of fertility treatment through the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990

Thirty years ago Irene Laird gave birth to her son Robbie Patrick after successful IVF treatment at Bourn Hall. Seven weeks later an iconic photograph of her baby in the arms of IVF pioneer Professor Robert Edwards was splashed across the national newspapers. Irene, who recently celebrated becoming a grandmother, shares her amazing story.

treatment of male infertility, Karen Evans, Senior Fertility Nurse Specialist

International Year of the Nurse and Midwife – Karen’s Story

Treatment to overcome male infertility has improved considerably over the 25 years that Karen Evans, a Senior Fertility Nurse Specialist, has worked for Bourn Hall. She is one of the longest-serving nurses in the close-knit team, and the satisfaction she gets from her work has never diminished.

unable to conceive for two years

I was only 22 – being unable to conceive is hard at any age

Gemma was so young people assumed the couple wouldn’t have a problem, but after being unable to conceive for two years they went for advice.

NHS IVF Funding Map for East of England (Jul 2021) feat

NHS IVF funding in the East of England

NHS IVF funding is a complicated story – our map should help clarify it for you.

Male infertility - Michael Close at Fertility Fayre

How to boost sperm quality by reducing oxidative stress

Stress, especially “oxidative stress” is a one of the many causes of male factor infertility, but it is possible to boost sperm quality through nutrition

Early pregnancy loss in the fertility journey

Early pregnancy loss in the fertility journey

Early pregnancy loss can make you more nervous about trying again for a baby; helpful…

stress and fertility can acupuncture help

Stress and fertility – can acupuncture help?

Stressful lifestyles can impact on fertility and many natural approaches to tackling infertility, such as acupuncture focus on reducing stress. Alison Williamson is a complementary therapist and she will answering questions at the Virtual Fertility Fair to be held on the first Saturday of Fertility Week 2020.

Kathryn Rayner, Lean Nurse

International Year of the Nurse and Midwife – Kathryn’s story

“It was certainly a positive move, coming to Bourn Hall,” says Kathryn Rayner, a Senior…

Bourn Hall Day 1-170

Find out how can we help you

To make an appointment, or to find out how we can help, please contact us.

Patient reviews you can trust

Genuine experiences from real patients. See why so many trust us with their fertility care.

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“We went to an open evening at Bourn Hall Wickford and came away feeling really positive about the place. The staff were really friendly and the presentation was clear about the statistics regarding success rates and live birth rates; their data was very transparent. We came away feeling like we would really be looked after.”

Katy and Leigh are parents to Charlie after IVF

Patient 2023

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“We chose to make an appointment at Bourn Hall Wickford because of the favourable reviews. When we got there and met the staff they were just so lovely, making us feel welcome and explaining to us what tests would need to be done and what our options were; we just thought ‘yes, let’s get the ball rolling!”

Jess and Fran are mums to Nathan after IVF with donor sperm

Patient 2023