Innovation at Bourn Hall

You are right at the start of your fertility journey and you couldn’t be in safer hands at the world's first IVF clinic.

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Innovating since 1981

Our journey started some time ago. In fact, we’re proud to say that Bourn Hall was the first in vitro fertilisation (IVF) clinic in the world. Our founding members - Steptoe, Edwards and Purdy - invented the IVF technique and today we follow their vision by placing patient welfare at the centre of everything we do.

So when we say you’re in safe hands, we mean it!

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Clinical Research

With over 30 years of experience, our skilled team continually improves by analysing data to enhance our practice. We publish our findings in peer-reviewed journals and present at national and international conferences. We also monitor advancements by others, adopting those that improve patient outcomes.

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Fundamental Research

Despite extensive knowledge of human reproduction, much remains to be discovered. Understanding how cells divide, embryos grow, and interact with the uterus is vital for developing new treatments. Collaborating with leading research teams, we leverage advanced molecular biology to explore embryonic development, offering valuable insights through cutting-edge research.

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Collaborating Centre

Bourn Hall currently collaborates with a number of extremely prestigious research centres.

All research on embryos is carried out under a license from the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority, after approval from Bourn Hall’s Ethics Committee as well as London, Leeds and Cambridge Local Research Ethics Committees. Research license information can be found on the HFEA website, under ‘Human embryo research we have approved


Journal publications

Our research has been published in more than 100 peer review publications in a range of scientific and medical journals.


We have contributed to a range of specialist fertility books over the past 30 years.

Poster presentations

Our staff have given poster presentations and oral presentations at many fertility conferences.

At Bourn Hall we understand that the fertility journey can be stressful, so we use our 45 years of experience to help take the strain. We invite patients to our calm and tranquil settings to speak to our specialist team, undergo sensitive testing or plan for future treatments.

You, our patients, are always front-of-mind. And not just when we meet you.

Behind the scenes - and since our first IVF breakthrough, the birth of the world's first 'test-tube' baby Louise Brown, in 1978 - scientists and clinicians have continued to work on new technologies and treatments, to help your dreams come true.

We provide world-class support throughout the fertility journey.

As one of the UK’s top fertility treatment centres, our values ensure we put our patients first.

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Teamwork and Collaboration

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Our excellence in fertility treatment

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The world's first IVF baby

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Year founded by IVF pioneers

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Babies born through Bourn Hall

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Clinics around the UK

We have changed the face of assisted conception, let us help you and make your family dreams come true.